Experience the revolutionary energy supply

Developed for optimal absorption
A Revolution


30 years of microbiome research have shown us that a healthy intestine is the basis for top performance. We have built on this knowledge and developed products for you with the highest possible energy supply and compatibility.

OMNi-POWER Carbo Tonic Sachet 60g
OMNi-POWER Snack Riegel, Sport Riegel, Gut Bar
💪 Absorption is our mission

Science has shown that a healthy intestine is the basis for top sporting performance.

🌱 Guaranteed, of course

We only use organic electrolytes.

🇦🇹 Innovation from Austria

When it comes to our products, we rely on working with the best.

OMNi-POWER Snack Riegel, Sport Riegel, Gut Bar, Hand, Parkbank

💪🏼 Very compatible

With LOW FODMAP certification

FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that are found in many foods and cause difficulty in absorption in the small intestine.
Our new OMNi-POWER® GUT BAR was developed without this type of carbohydrate in order to be maximally tolerated.

To the GUT BAR
Against nutrient loss
💧 All important minerals

Calcium plays an important role in energy metabolism and, combined with magnesium and potassium, supports muscle function.

Sodium efficiently supports hydration and, in combination with chloride and calcium, the loss of minerals caused by sweating is compensated for.

OMNi-BiOTiC Power Team, Triathlon Rad, Simone Kumhofer
OMNi-BiOTiC Power Team, Triathlon Schwimmen
Needless to say
🌱 Guaranteed, of course

Studies have shown that the tolerance of organic electrolytes is higher. That's why we only use high-quality, organic mineral salts in our sports drink.

Made for peak performance
🇦🇹 Innovation from Austria

Our products are always developed in close collaboration with top athletes based on current science.

OMNi-BiOTiC Power Team, Triathlon Siegerehrung
OMNi-POWER® Carbotonic wird geöffnet auf Sportplatz mit Laufbahn



Studies have shown up to 93% of long distance triathletes suffer from GI problems during competition. We know: There is another way! That's why we have developed a new sports drink based on current science that can help!

To the sports drink

Now read more in our blog!

We ensure best times every day

That's what the athletes say


Super well tolerated even at high doses and has a pleasant taste!

Christian Allmer



CARBOTONIC® provides me with the perfect ratio of carbohydrates and electrolytes during training and competition.

Yannick Friese



After problems with countless other powders, with CARBOTONIC® I now have the optimal solution for training and competition.

Marlies Hirschbeck



OMNi-POWER® now makes it easier for athletes with fructose intolerance to do sports at a high level.

Alexandra Krenmayr

Triathlete & doctor


As a passionate triathlete, I have already tested CARBOTONIC® in 5 competitions of varying duration and intensity and am thrilled with the results!

Nadia Hauser

Triathlete & pharmacist