
APG Allergosan Pharma GmbH

Object of the company : Research, development, production and distribution of health products (wholesale of dietary supplements and medicines; distribution of drugstore goods, poisons)

VAT number: ATU64528657

Company register number: FN 317527 b of the Graz Regional Court (GmbH based in Graz)

Commercial Register Court: Regional Court for ZRS Graz

Company headquarters: Gmeinstraße 13, AT-8055 Graz

Contact: Tel.: +43 316 405 305; Fax: +43 316 405 305 20; Email:

Memberships in chamber organizations: Styrian Chamber of Commerce

Applicable legal regulations (among others): Trade regulations (all of the laws mentioned can be accessed at , among others)

Supervisory authority: Graz Trade Office

Conditions of participation for competitions:

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