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Success in sports thanks to a healthy microbiome! Microbiome analysis – HOW TO

Anyone who has followed our podcast up to this episode has probably already noticed that microbiome analysis is an important tool for examining our microbiome! Are you sure that your intestines are prepared for the next block of stress or the next race? Before we find out together, we have summarized all the important information about microbiome analysis for you.

The process of microbiome analysis

Have you decided to have a microbiome analysis carried out?
Then the first step is to order a test kit, which will be sent directly to your home. After the set has arrived, you should first read the instructions in detail. In this way, the first sources of error can easily be prevented! You will also find all the important information about the process there. Your OMNi-BiOTiC® test kit consists of an analysis kit with detailed instructions, two stool tubes, a stool catcher and a return envelope. You can then easily take the stool sample at home. After you complete the steps, everything will be packaged in the included return envelope and sent back to the lab.
As soon as your sample arrives in the laboratory, the microbiome analysis is carried out using state-of-the-art 16S next-generation DNA sequencing. As soon as your evaluation is available, a telephone or Zoom appointment will be arranged to discuss the results in detail. Based on this data, we can also give you an individualOMNi-BiOTiC®, OMNi-LOGiC® and META-Care® product recommendation.
The cost of a comprehensive microbiome analysis and a subsequent 20 to 40-minute analysis discussion with the sports and nutrition scientist Simone Kumhofer amounts to €189.

Sources of error

In order not to falsify the test result, the following points should be taken into account:
  • After opening, first check the contents of the test kit. Were all materials included?
  • Read the instructions carefully and work through the points step by step
  • Please note that the filled stool samples must come from one bowel movement and the filling quantity must not be exceeded
  • Carry out the stool sample at the beginning of the week (Monday or Tuesday) and send the return envelope straight after filling
  • Don't forget to enclose the application form, filled out and signed
  • Is something unclear to you? You can contact us at any time!

Blood sample vs. microbiome analysis

Until a few years ago, the analysis of a blood sample was certainly a few steps ahead of a microbiome analysis in terms of accuracy. However, today the most modern method of microbiome analysis is mainly used, 16S next-generation DNA sequencing. With this form, DNA 'snippets' can be located and assigned in the body, which makes this type of analysis very meaningful. In the future, microbiome analysis will become increasingly relevant because many of the data cannot yet be interpreted. This means that there is still a lot of potential in 16S next-generation DNA sequencing and that increasingly precise and diverse results can be delivered in the future.

Microbiome analysis – useful or unnecessary?

The mere fact that 80% of the immune system is located in the gut says what an enormous influence our microbiome has on our general health and performance. For this reason, we recommend that everyone have a microbiome analysis carried out once a year. Based on the evaluated data, you can, for example, draw conclusions about the condition of the intestinal mucosa, make statements about digestive performance or explain any complaints that occur, such as intolerances . Problems such as fructose or lactose malabsorption, which originate in the intestines, often occur, especially among athletes. We have already summarized these topics for you in previous blog posts.
However, a successful analysis also requires the correct interpretation of the data. We therefore recommend that you seek out a therapist who has already familiarized yourself with this topic and is able to communicate the evaluation of the microbiome analysis in an understandable manner.

Does microbiome analysis help improve performance?

As already explained in detail in the previous blog posts ( click here for the SCIENCE CORNER ), a healthy intestine is a basic requirement for a high-performance athlete.
In addition to providing energy, our microbiome influences performance and regenerative ability and controls our psychological balance.
In summary, it can be said that the intestines have an enormous influence on our performance and should therefore be checked regularly.

Did you know that there is always a podcast to go with the blog posts?
Your hosts are Simone Kumhofer (sports and nutrition scientist, professional triathlete and expert in intestinal health and the microbiome) and Chris Nindl (triathlete, former cyclist and organizer of the OMNi-BiOTiC® Apfelland Triathlon)
Take a listen! - Click here for the podcast!

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Julia Skala in Magenta OMNi-BiOTiC Power Team Anzug läuft Triathlon

Julia Skala

Profi Triathletin
Content Creatorin OMNi-POWER®